The BellaMoon™ 3-in-1 Pregnancy and Nursing Pillow is more than just a pillow, it's a journey into motherhood which helps you from as early as first trimester in pregnancy, right through to 12 months months of age.
BellaMoon™ was designed by a Mother who obsessively analysed every single design detail, shape, function, curvature, colour, feel, perception, utility, function…and used it in every configuration possible during all 3 of her pregnancy journeys and well into motherhood.
From our years of expertise as a team of Mothers and product designers, we have put together a pregnancy pillow guide covering everything you need to know, based on questions we get asked most frequently. We can help you in many ways, from achieving a pain-free pregnancy, a deeply relaxing labour, support your breastfeeding or bottle-feeding journey in those tough and tiring newborn days….you name it, BellaMoon™ can help.
Reason 1: BellaMoon™ is a highly adaptable pregnancy pillow that can grow with your bump
The first trimester it is all so new and exciting – you are at that awkward ‘in-between’ bump stage where people can’t tell whether you are pregnant or just had a big dinner. You can’t button your jeans and need to use the ‘hair bobble’ button trick. So you think – I probably need to buy a big malleable pregnancy pillow to replace my husband, right?
Wrong! You don’t need a big malleable pillow – however you DO need a pillow that grows with your bump! In the early days you might just need some small lower back support.
BellaMoon™ Pregnancy Pillow alone can be used in at least 8 different ways. With its unique modular design, it can be zipped and unzipped into lots of different configurations for early pregnancy.
Reason 2: BellaMoon™ will help you sleep on your left hand side
Your body undergoes so many changes during pregnancy, and it is just right that you give it the correct amount of rest and sleep to cope up with the stress and pains it gets.
You should always try to sleep on your LEFT side when pregnant to promote easy blood circulation.
Our full C-shaped BellaMoon™ Pregnancy & Nursing Pillow configuration is perfect for this. You lie with your back leaning into the pillow, with one end between your legs and under your bump, and the other under your head.
You will literally float away on a fluffy cloud to dreamland without an ache – we promise!
Reason 3: BellaMoon™ is firm enough to keep your hips apart, whilst supporting your back and bump.
If you suffer from PGP (Pelvic Girdle Pain) it can be excruciatingly painful to move (even walk) during pregnancy. We feel for you Mama.
With your baby bump adding more weight to your body, your legs, hips and back are becoming more prone to stress and pain. These parts are absorbing the effects of the added weight
BellaMoon™ will help fix that. Our C-shaped configuration is designed to keep your hips apart so it relieves pressure, targets the sore spots and gives you intense comfort. BellaMoon™ Pregnancy Pillow has been designed to the correct firmness to relieve these body parts need, resulting to less pain, or even none at all!
Reason 4: BellaMoon™ looks nice around your home - you will be using it a lot!
You will be using your Pregnancy Pillow and Nursing Pillow a lot! When baby comes you will literally want to take 1000 photos a day, so make sure your pillow has a beautifully designed cover for capturing those precious moments on camera.
We have a fabulous collection of unique prints which you can view in Our LookBook. Every design has a beautiful majestic story to tell – conceptualised with so much thought, love and attention.
Our founder Irene studied Architecture and Design for years. She wanted to inject some high-end design trends into the pregnancy space so Mama’s can not only feel physically revived but have a beautiful bedroom interior and matching pillow which they are proud to display.

Reason 5: BellaMoon™ has amazing customer reviews and recognised industry awards.
Of course, you want a pillow you can trust. Don't just take our word for it, BellaMoon™ has been independently reviewed by the major players in the baby industry. Here is the outcome of their reviews.
1. Made for Mums 2022 - Best Pregnancy and Nursing Pillow
2. Featured in The Independent Top 10 Pregnancy Pillows 3 years in a row.
3. Winner of the ‘Best Breastfeeding Product 2019 and 2020’ in the Mums and Tots Awards – voted by the public.
4. Winner of the ‘Best New Product 2018’ in the Mums and Tots Awards – voted by the public.
5. Silver Award in the Junior Design Awards 2019 for Best Innovative Product Design (Baby) - tested and voted by a judging panel.
6. Featured in the Sunday Times Magazine.
7. Featured in iNews Top 6 Pregnancy Pillows.
8. MumsNet Best ‘Multi-Functional Maternity Pillow 2019’ – tested and voted by a panel of experts.
On top of that, we have received consistent 5-star reviews. Hear what some of our customers have said…
"I've told you before but I want to tell you again! I absolutely love my BellaMoon. I'm driving my husband crazy with my snoring!
"I really love my BellaMoon already and I'm only 16 weeks pregnant. Not sure how I'll cope with nights away where I can't take it with me!"
"I opened my new BellaMoon today... after a hectic few weeks in work I wanted to really chill out in it. I absolutely love it!! I lay in bed and listened to hypnobirthing affirmations and it was bliss!"
So trust us! We have got your back – literally.
Reason 6: BellaMoon™ can be used for birth preparation and hypno-birthing preparation.
During pregnancy (especially the latter half), your mind turns to the prospect of birthing your baby. This is one of the greatest fears of all time – so you are not alone!
If you are hoping to practise hypno-birthing, BellaMoon™ can help you.
BellaMoon™ has been used as a cocoon to listen to hypno-birthing affirmations and try out breathing techniques for the big event. Practising hypno-birthing in the BellaMoon™ Mothers Pillow can create a ‘safe place’ for Mum which she can bring to the labour ward to re-create her calm zone, giving her a head-start to achieving a gentle birth.
Reason 7: BellaMoon™ can be used during labour - and also has spare covers!
When the day arrives and all of a sudden those little jabby pains start kicking in. The contractions have arrived.
Do not panic - BellaMoon™ can help you, especially if you have been using your BellaMoon™ to practise your relaxation and hypnobirthing during pregnancy.
Our Pregnancy Pillow is a wonderful place to lie down and breathe through contractions from early labour right up to the point of transition into active labour. All of the practise which Mum has put into preparing for birth in her
BellaMoon™ cocoon at home will allow her to stay calm and in control of her surges, which can help lead to a gentle birth.
We also recommend having a spare cover at hand so that you can keep a clean cover always at the ready.
You can listen to our Founders Birth Story on our Instagram story highlights – and how she was so relaxed in her BellaMoon Cocoon, that she actually slept through most of her labour, woke up in active phase and gave birth!
BellaMoon in the Labour Ward
Reason 8: BellaMoon™ can be safely used as a Nursing Pillow when baby arrives.
As soon as baby arrives, the next step is for Mother and Baby to learn how to breastfeed together. BellaMoon™ can be unzipped and reconfigured into a smaller nursing pillow to give you support in the hospital. Most of our customers bring their BellaMoon™ to hospital for labour and for nursing their baby afterwards. Hospitals generally do not supply feeding pillows, therefore it is always best to bring one with you so you can get off to a good start with regard to your positioning, comfort and support.
You may find yourself staying in hospital for a day or two, especially if you have had an epidural. The nurses will not always be there to help, so you may need to put baby down temporarily whilst fetching something. BellaMoon™ is an excellent infant lounger support and can be used to support your newborn under supervision.
Reason 9: BellaMoon™ will help support you during your entire breastfeeding journey.
One of the most utilised parts of BellaMoon™ is when you come home from hospital (or post home birth) and are learning to latch properly around your home, in front of the TV, Netflix, in bed, at the kitchen table. You might find yourself curling your back and shoulders into strange positions to adjust your latch, or raising your arms and tensing your shoulders to ‘get it right’. Using the BellaMoon™ feeding pillow in the early stages is paramount to helping you achieve the perfect latch. Your arms, neck and shoulders will thank you for it.
You can also use BellaMoon™ to nurse baby in the Rugby-Ball hold. No its not a sport, however it is another type of breastfeeding position which some Mothers love to use. The central section of the BellaMoon™ Mothers Pillow is perfect for supporting this position.
Of course BellaMoon™ is not just for breastfeeding. The Mothers pillow can be used as a sitting-up support pillow for bottle feeding. Dad, Grandparents, siblings and the whole family can use it to feed your little ones!
Reason 10: BellaMoon™ can be used for baby development such as sitting up support as your baby grows
BellaMoon™ can be used all around the house to pop baby (under supervision) whilst giving your arms a break. Older babies (around 4 months on) can use it as a protector when learning to sit up.
It is adorable watching new siblings bond with their new baby brother or sister. Our Mothers pillow can (yes again!) be used to support siblings holding the baby, giving them a sense of responsibility and they gaze into the future of friendship together.
So… you will see that BellaMoon is different – it is a baby product which grows and adapts with you and your needs. All these functions mean - excellent value for money, yet with beautiful stylish designs.
The BellaMoon™ Pregnancy and Nursing Pillow promotes better sleep, and the more you get enough hours of rest and sleep in a day, the more you become healthy and prepared for the coming of your baby. Verified by independent reviews and multiple awards, it really is a wonderfully multi-functional product that offers incredible utility with clever design features with an endearing brand.